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And the loans keep piling up....

July 29th, 2010 at 03:04 am

My Chase loan was certified today, which I have to take out in addition to federal student loans for my grad program. Initially I was ecstatic, because it's a weight off my shoulders, but that I realized what a private loan entails: a LOT of interest.

People always suggest that you make interest payments if nothing else while in school, but frankly I can't afford to do even that. With the rent I'm looking at, I can't afford much.

I guess I have to bite the bullet with this one, and at least feel good that I'm taking out the BARE MINIMUM.... I also will be working in a restaurant, which is not the most glamorous way to spend my time, but at least it will help with the bills.

Yikes. I'm in for a tough year.

1 Responses to “And the loans keep piling up....”

  1. Jerry Says:

    I feel your pain. Grad school is brutal like that, and you are living in a spendy location. That leads to higher loans, of course, but the faster you are through the faster you will have the insurance of being employed again in your field of choice! Good luck this year...

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